When Rest Isn’t Restful

I am so tired. My body and brain need some rest. I cannot remember the last time that I had a restful nap or night of sleep. Even in slumber, my mind and body don’t seem to know how to behave.

I have been taking something called Restful Legs before bed to help with, you guessed it…restless legs. It does help, but the feeling doesn’t completely let up and so I usually spend the first 30 minutes kicking and twitching my feet and legs about. On nights that are particularly bad, I more or less have an adult size tantrum, wishing that I could throw my legs across the room. It’s an icky feeling when you want to crawl out of your own skin. Other times, I can feel my muscles begin to tighten and I pray that it doesn’t turn into a full blown dystonic episode. Some nights, fibro makes it difficult to get comfortable. Lie on one side, pain. Try the other side, pain. Adjust the leg pillow, no good. Try lying on my back, too much pressure. If my skin is feeling very sensitive, even the sheet hurts.

Now, I can usually get my mind to calm down long enough to fall asleep, but the dreams…my goodness, where does my mind come up with these things? Most nights I recall dreaming, but I don’t always remember what they were about. More often than not, I seem to have very bizarre, vivid dreams or nightmares. Just the other day for example, I took a nap. My odd and all-over-the-place dream turned into a nightmare. I was holding my right hand and my finger was losing so much blood that I was sure I was going to bleed to death. The nightmare felt so real that I was actually feeling pain in that finger when my husband woke me up.

I’ll be honest; I kind of wish a doctor could administer some general anesthesia that would last eight hours. Perhaps then, I could wake up and finally feel rested. I suppose that for now, I’ll keep running on caffeine and a whole lot of Jesus. Thanks for allowing me to vent. Be well, my friends.

With love,


On a happier note, I’ve been doing some painting. If you have a moment to spare, please check it out and let me know what you think. https://stormscanbebeautiful.com/shop-2/

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