I Cannot Spill the Beans

Oh hello there, lovelies!  How are you?  I would love to tell you that I have some amazing excuse for my absence, but that would be a lie.  More than anything, the guilt I’ve felt about not posting had me contemplating quitting my blog altogether or starting over. I did what I seem to do best, avoid the issue and then apologize (again) for my absence.  I realize that at some point you may tire of all my “I’m sorry” posts.  So if you’re still here to share in my journey, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I will try to do better.
There’s been many things taking an emotional toll on me lately and I’m trying so hard to stay upbeat, but you guys, I’m struggling. Because some of these things involve other people, I need to be respectful of their privacy. I don’t know if you all know this, but I’m kind of a self-proclaimed expert bottler; and so I will use my expertise to bottle up these emotions as well.  As for the issues that are not so personal…I’m sure you all have noticed how much hate and division there seems to be everywhere you look.  People are so divided about politics, the pandemic, equality and so on.  People are arguing and name calling constantly.  I try to just stay in my own little bubble and not let other people’s actions affect me, but it’s heartbreaking to see/hear.  When did we become so focused on being right that we forgot to care about and love one another?  When did we lose our ability to have civilized conversations and learn from each other?  I know we can all do better.  For now, I will concentrate on seeing the good in people and do what I can to show kindness to those I interact with.  Taking a break from social media may be a good idea as well.
On to the health stuff.  Fibromyalgia continues to be a pain in my – everything.  I’m feeling as though I must be in a flare because some days, it feels like I’ve been hit by an 18-wheeler.  Side note – that’s never happened – maybe not a fair comparison.  The pain clinic thought it would be a good idea to go back on pain killers for a bit.  Good ol’ insurance has me waiting until they receive prior authorization.  I have my muscle relaxers, but they don’t do much for me.  Unfortunately, I’m still having my attacks (Psychogenic Dystonia). Although they are less frequent, they still hit pretty hard each time.  Several of these episodes left me so sore that I was sure I had pulled a muscle or two.  Let’s talk about laughing until (or while) you cry.  Pseudo Bulbar Affect…uncontrollable laughing and or crying that is not appropriate for the circumstance.  I hate these episodes more than the dystonia.  I hyperventilate, sweat like crazy, and then sob between fits of laughter.  I feel like I’m not in control and it scares me.  I’m so thankful that these episodes don’t occur very often.  The neurologist said there is a medicine he could give me, but I really don’t want any more meds.  I think I’ll hold off as long as possible.  I really don’t leave the house much, so I’m not too concerned about the embarrassment these cause.  My kiddos understand them, but it does scare them a little.  They try to leave the room when possible to offer me some privacy and allow me to not feel like such a spectacle.  I’m sure there is more I wanted to share with you, but the thought train seems to be leaving the the station without me.
Anyway, I really hope you all are doing well and staying healthy and happy. God bless you and yours.

With love,

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